Cornish College of the Arts and Microsoft HoloLens partner to help artists push boundaries in the first ever HoloLens public Art Exhibit. The work was later also shown at the Seattle Interactive 2016 conference.
I served as the lead 3d artist and art consultant on the project, teaching the multi-disciplinary class of graduating students at Cornish how to design for the HoloLens, and helping to shape their visions into 3-dimensional works for the show using Microsoft HoloLens. Works spanned from performance art and fashion captured and processed using Microsoft’s 360 degree digital capture studio, to architecture, illustration, typography, and abstract works.
To read more, check out Cornish College’s news write-up’s about the show:
Projects relying on photogrammetry 360 capture required on-set directing and wardrobe/props guidance, geometry cleanup, and clip editing.
Projects using 3d geometry required conversion to HoloLens ready files from CAD files, C4D files, and Sketchup files, and sometimes required all geometry and textures to be created from student sketches and animated.
“Keep Away”
“Apparel Show”
“The Strange World”